Public Member Functions | List of all members
OpenNet::Kernel_Forward Class Reference

The Kernel_Forward class. More...

#include <Kernel_Forward.h>

Inheritance diagram for OpenNet::Kernel_Forward:
OpenNet::Kernel OpenNet::SourceCode OpenNet::StatisticsProvider

Public Member Functions

OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Kernel_Forward ()
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status AddDestination (Adapter *aAdapter)
 Add a destination adapter. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status RemoveDestination (Adapter *aAdapter)
 Remove a destination adapter. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status ResetDestinations ()
 Remove all destination Adapter. More...
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status Display (FILE *aOut) const
 Display. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenNet::Kernel
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status DisableProfiling ()
 Disable OpenCL profiling. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status EnableProfiling ()
 Enable OpenCL profiling. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC const char * GetBuildLog () const
 Retrieve the build log. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC unsigned int GetCodeLineCount ()
 Retrieve the code line count. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC const char ** GetCodeLines ()
 Retrieve the code lines. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC void * GetCommandQueue ()
 Retrieve the command queue running this kernel. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC bool IsProfilingEnabled () const
 Is the OpenCL profiling enabled? More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status SetStaticUserArgument (unsigned int aIndex, UserBuffer *aArg)
 Add a user argument always passed to the kernel. More...
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC void SetUserKernelArgs (void *aKernel)
 Called to add user arguments to the kernel. More...
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC void SetUserKernelArgs (void **aArguments)
 Called to add user arguments to the kernel. More...
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status AppendCode (const char *aCode, unsigned int aCodeSize_byte)
 Appen code. More...
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status ResetCode ()
 Reset the code. More...
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status SetCode (const char *aFileName)
 Set the code using a source file. More...
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status SetCode (const char *aCode, unsigned int aCodeSize_byte)
 Set the code. More...
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC unsigned int Edit_Remove (const char *aSearch)
 Remove strings from code. More...
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC unsigned int Edit_Replace (const char *aSearch, const char *aReplace)
 Replace strings in code. More...
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status GetStatistics (unsigned int *aOut, unsigned int aOutSize_byte, unsigned int *aInfo_byte, bool aReset)
 This methode return the statistics of the adapter. More...
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status ResetStatistics ()
 This methode resets the statistics of the adapter. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenNet::SourceCode
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC ~SourceCode ()
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status AppendCode (const char *aFileName)
 Append code using a source file. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status AppendCode (const SourceCode &aCode)
 Appen code. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC unsigned int GetCodeSize () const
 Get code size. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC const char * GetName () const
 Retrieve the instance name. More...
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status SetArgumentCount (unsigned int aArgCount)
 Set the number of argument for the function or kernel. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status SetName (const char *aName)
 Set the instance's name. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC unsigned int Edit_Search (const char *aSearch)
 Search string in code. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenNet::StatisticsProvider
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC unsigned int GetStatisticsQty () const
 This methode returns the number of statistics counter. More...
const OPEN_NET_PUBLIC StatisticsDescriptionGetStatisticsDescriptions () const
 This methode returns the statistics counter descriptions. More...
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status DisplayStatistics (const unsigned int *aIn, unsigned int aInSize_byte, FILE *aOut, unsigned int aMinLevel=0)
 Display. More...

Detailed Description

The Kernel_Forward class.

Member Function Documentation

OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status OpenNet::Kernel_Forward::AddDestination ( Adapter aAdapter)

Add a destination adapter.

aAdapterThe Adapter
Return values
See also
RemoveDestination, ResetDestinations
virtual OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status OpenNet::Kernel_Forward::Display ( FILE *  aOut) const


aOutThe output stream
Return values

Reimplemented from OpenNet::Kernel.

OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status OpenNet::Kernel_Forward::RemoveDestination ( Adapter aAdapter)

Remove a destination adapter.

aAdapterThe Adapter
Return values
See also
AddDestination, ResetDestinations
OPEN_NET_PUBLIC Status OpenNet::Kernel_Forward::ResetDestinations ( )

Remove all destination Adapter.

Return values
See also
AddDestination, RemoveDestination

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