Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAdapterThis class define the adapter level interface
 CConfigThe configuration
 CBufferThe Buffer class
 CFunctionThe Function class
 CFunction_ForwardThe Kernel_Forward class
 CKernelThe Kernel class
 CKernel_ForwardThe Kernel_Forward class
 CPacketGeneratorThe PacketGenerator class
 CConfigPacketGenerator configuration
 CProcessorThis class define the processor level interface
 CConfigThis structure contains the configuration of a Processor
 CInfoThis structure contains the information about a Processor
 CSetupToolThis class define the setup level interface
 CSourceCodeThe SourceCode class
 CStatisticsProviderThe StatisticsProvider class
 CStatisticsDescriptionThe StatisticsDescription structure
 CSystemThis class define the system level interface
 CConfigSystem configuration
 CInfoSystem information
 CUserBufferThe UserBuffer class
 CAdapterThis class maintains information about an adapter on the OpenNet internal network
 CBufferInfoDirectGMA Buffer information. This structur is not documented and may change or disapear in futur version
 CAdapter_ConfigThis structure is used to pass the configuration
 CAdapter_InfoThis structure is used to return the information about an adapter
 CAdapter_Linux(DDK, Linux only)
 CAdapter_StateThis structure is used to return the status
 CAdapter_WDF(DDK, Windows only)
 CBufferThis structure is used to pass the information about a buffer
 CEthernetAddressThis structure is used for Ethernet address
 CEventThis structure is used for event returned to the user application
 CHardwareThis class defines the hardware interface
 CHardware_Linux(DDK, Linux only)
 CHardware_WDF(DDK, Windows only)
 CIPv4AddressThis structure is used for IPv4 address
 CPacketThis class cache packet information
 CPacketGenerator_ConfigThis structure is used to pass the configuration
 CSpinLockSpinLock interface
 CVersionInfoThis structure is used to return the version of a component
 COpenNet_BufferHeaderThis structure is used to pass the information about a buffer
 COpenNet_PacketInfoThis structure is used to pass the information about a packet
 COpenNet_Tunnel_PacketHeaderThis structure is used as packet header into a tunnel
 COpenNetK_IoCtl_InfoThis structure contains information about buffer size an IoCtl accepts
 COpenNetK_OSDepThis structure contains pointer to OS dependant functions
 CRegExContext of a state machine of a regular expression
 CRegEx_StateState of the machine state for a regular expression